Yobani grows her coffee using biodynamic principles, which means she strives to create as healthy soil as possible. This is achieved by composting, integrating animals, shade crops and crop rotation. viewing the farm as a closed but diverse ecosystem and treating the compost to encourage microbial life that's needed for a rich soil fertility. This means using manure, plant material and soil to transform them into a potent source of strength for the farm organism to thrive. Yobani produces some amazing coffee, creamy and fruit-forward, and this one is no different. But it was actually the balance that we fell in love with when we got this particular lot. It's no secret that we love fruity and bright coffees. When those fruit notes are paired with a great sweetness that's when we really fall in love with a coffee. The fruitiness of this lot is bright, ripe pomegranate and it's perfectly balanced with a creamy mouthfeel, deep sweetness and caramel notes. This is a coffee we could drink all day. Believe us, we have!