Prodigal Peru Llaqtapata Cup of Excellence #22 Geisha *Filter*

Roaster's Tasting Notes: Apricot / Orange / Peach
Process: Washed
Varieties: Geisha
Roast Date: February 3
150g / 5.29oz

Prodigal is located in Colorado

From Prodigal

This is it! Rounding out the 2024 Cup Of Excellence auction season is this beautiful Peruvian Geisha — Llaqtapata. This special coffee was flown into our roastery mere weeks after the auction, and we're so excited to share it. Llaqtapata is a lovely classic geisha, with soft, beautiful apricot, juicy citrus, and ripe grape flavors.  

Gilber Huayllas Huaman continues to wow the coffee world. Following his COE win from 2023, he also placed 22nd in this year's competition.

Gilber is a master of his craft, but he's had some help along the way. His coffee expertise and work ethic were passed down from his father, Feliciano Huayllas. His dedication to the land and the environment were passed down from his Incan ancestors. Llaqtapata or "High City" is one of the highest elevation farms in the Cusco region and overlooks the Choquesafra mountain in the Peruvian Andes. At 2400 meters, this coffee may be the highest-grown coffee Prodigal has ever worked with!

These award winning coffees have been tasted hundreds of times, by both domestic and international judging panels, as they traveled through the rigorous COE process. Cup Of Excellence winning coffees are quite uncommon in the US, and this Peruvian stunner marks the final chapter in COE 2024. 

  • $54.00