Traffic Mexico Genoveva Redondo *Natural Filter*

Roaster's Tasting Notes: Plum Wine / Pineapple / Champurrado
Process: Natural
Varieties: Marsellesa
Roast Date: Feb 27

Traffic is located in Montreal, Quebec

From Traffic

An incredible coffee from one of the best farmers in Mexico, Genoveva. She has placed 10th at Cup of Excellence in 2019 but has earned top notch credentials most of her producing career. This coffee has funk, but it's so balanced as if it was precisely engineered to provide just enough to make the flavors POP but not so much that it leaves the coffee one dimensional.

Tons of ripe plums & almost effervescent feel to these, wrapped up in creamy, spicy champurrado-like creamy body. A really incredible coffee to start off the year. 


Immersed in the mesophilic mountain forest, Finca Fátima is located at an altitude of 1250 MSNM in the municipality of Coatepec, Veracruz, where the first arabic varieties in Mexico. Finca Fátima was acquired in the 70s by Antonio Orea and Genoveva Pérez-Redondo. Fatima coffee was used as a high quality product until 2018, when Givette and Ernesto, both third-generation producers, decided enter the specialty coffee market. Fatima coffee cultivars are made up of the following varieties: Geisha, Typica, Garnica and Marseillaise. Within its 16 hectares, it gives us a protected shade coffee plantation by more than 15 varieties of fruit trees that provide shelter to a wide range of species of birds and animals. The plantation also houses two water springs, endemic flowers and ancient tree ferns native to the mesophilic forest. Fatima coffee takes around 8 months to reach perfect maturity after flowering. The coffee cherries are selected and sorted manually before being transported and processed in the APG coffee mill. With a mix of technology and innovation in fermentation, the APG process enhances the balance and complexity of attributes of each terroir. Natural batches dry slowly on raised beds for 15 to 30 days, with a combination of shade and direct sun exposure. Throughout the production, transformation and marketing chain, Finca Fátima and the APG coffee benefit has a positive impact in more than 85 families dedicated to coffee in Coatepec, Veracruz.


  • $25.00