Ceado Hoop Coffee Brewer

Introducing the Ceado (pronounced Chee-Doh) Hoop Brewer, winner of 2023's 'Best New Product' by the Specialty Coffee Association.

Short Story: It's awesome, stupidly simple / clever, easy to clean, and requires no special equipment beyond hot water. Handmade in Venice, Italy.

Longer Story: All the above, but also here's how it works. There are 3 parts: The outer loop (it's white in the picture below), the flow tower (the black chamber in the middle in the pic) and a paper filter (not shown in the pic). You put the paper filter on the bottom (it's a small paper disc like that from the pulsar or aeropress) and then screw the flow tower in. Add coffee inside the flower tower, then pour all the water in one step into the outer loop. Some people do a stir. I don't usually.Then walk away and come back in 4 minutes. Literally that's it.

One Note: It comes with 100 filters made by Ceado, but we use Scott Rao + Next Level's custom made filters, which is a lab grade filter that is a little thicker and allows you to grind finer and get a higher extraction. This is optional, but it is what we do just so you know. Available here if you want to give them a go.

Longest Story: Here's all the info directly from Ceado.


Hoop is a radial infusion brewer.
Water filters evenly through the coffee bed, in a smooth and regular way, thanks to the side holes at the bottom of the Flow Tower.
The flow of the water through the holes guarantees an even extraction: the water filters through the coffee with the same quantity and strength, reaching the paper filter only after completing the journey through coffee.

Hoop allows to achieve a full and high quality extraction, with no effort!

    Put the paper filter, wet it, add coffee and pour water. Hoop will do the rest!
    With Hoop you can have an automatic soft infusion.
    This turns the focus on coffee and the final result, leaving the preparation and the extraction techniques to Hoop coffee brewer!

    Hoop is accessible to everyone who wants to experience drinking a high quality coffee with no need for specific skills or knowledge.

      Hoop is designed to make cleaning easier.
      At the end of the extraction, to remove the paper filter and coffee, just slightly unscrew the Flow Tower from the Outer Loop and the paper filter will be easily ejected!

      All Hoop elements are easy to take apart and to wash, with water or in the dishwasher.

        • $55.00