DAK Pineberry Colombia Bruselas Pink Bourbon *Anaerobic Washed Filter*

Components: Colombia Bruselas
Roaster's Tasting Notes: Pink Fruits / Honey / Lemon / Jasmine
Process: Anaerobic Washed
Roast Date: January 13
250g / 8oz

DAK is located in Amsterdam

From Dak


A very elegant anaerobic washed Pink Bourbon from Zarza family in Colombia. A harmonious cup with tasting notes of pink fruits, peach, jasmine & honey.

This beautiful Pink Bourbon from Finca Zarza goes through a few steps before being exporter. The first step is the recollection of cherries that go through an oxidation process for 24 hours. The next step is an anaerobic fermentation for another 24 hours. De-pulping of the cherries happen after and the cherries undergo another anaerobic fermentation for 32 hours. The cherries go through hot water to remove their mucilage, the coffee is then washed and dried for about 8 days.


  • $31.00