La Cabra Brazil Sao Lorenco *Natural Filter + Espresso*

Roaster's Tasting Notes: Dates / Caramel
Process: Natural
Varieties: Paraiso
Roast Date: January 8
250g / 8.82oz

La Cabra is located in Aarhus, Denmark

From La Cabra

Coffee Expression This natural Paraíso clearly communicates the sweet character of it’s Catuai heritage, with sweet notes of dates and caramel.

São Lourenço is located in Varjão de Minas, in the Cerrado Mineiro region. Flavio Guimarães bought Fazenda São Lourenço in 1977, and expanded soon after to the Brasis and Santa Rita farms, both in the same region. They have built their business from the start with considered and careful agricultural practices at their core, taking their stewardship of their land seriously. As is seen often in Brazil, huge swathes of the farm are dedicated to reserved nature, with native species of flora and fauna retained in biodiverse areas of forest. In the case of Flavio’s farms, over half of the total area is dedicated to areas like these.

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